SEO Company
& Web Design

This initial phase allows for the discovery of technical issues that needs attention on your website. Performance reports are created, and a list of priorities is released to be approved by clients.


Learn More About Our Process


Our campaign strategies are designed to meet the needs of our clients and their market condition. Our Pay Per Click services include: Paid Search Ads, Video Advertising, Display Ads, PPC Re-Marketing and Social Advertising.

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Myrtle Beach SEO Company

SEO Company & Web Design Myrtle Beach SC

Web Design & SEO Company

SEO Company

Measurable Results

Monthly reporting with keyword tracking and optimization reports

Myrtle Beach SEO Company

Quality SEO Leads

Find more leads with our SEO Marketing Strategy


5 Star Reviews

Check out our reviews on Google! Understand why our clients love us.

Myrtle Beach SEO Company

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Internet Marketing Strategy

This 4 pilar strategy focus on the most important aspects of your internet marketing strategy. All 4 pillars work very well by it self but when they are combined and executed together the results are absolutely faster.

We'll create the most effective, mobile responsive, optimized website including forms, landing pages, portfolio gallery ...


Take advantage of the most qualified leads you'll ever get. Show up in search results when users are looking for products and services organically.

PPC - Pay Per Click

Generate new leads fast with our PPC strategy. Lower investments and maximize results.

Content Development

Talk to your audience! We create blog posts, articles, press releases, images and videos of your products and services.

SEO Company Myrtle Beach

The X Marketing Strategy

Our X Marketing Strategy is based on 4 pillars. These allows you to quickly generate new leads.

web design myrtle beach

Affordable and Effective

We’ll manage the four most important aspects of your online marketing strategy: Website, SEO, PPC and Content.

Metrics & Creativity

Working Hours

8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM

Core Services

All 4 Services can be purchased separately.
web design services
seo services
PPC Services
content services
Google Analytics
Web Development South Carolina
Google AdWords
15+ years assisting business owners on the internet.
marcio a resende

Marcio A Resende

Internet Marketing Expert / MBA – Marketing.

Customer Reviews


We contracted with Rio X Marketing in 2017. Marcio and his team are knowledgeable, trust worthy and reliable. You can visit our website and review the product Marcio and his team created. Thank you Marcio for being a great friend and sharing your testimony with ProSport. May God's will be done in your life.

Prosport Express
Jimmy Woods

ProSport Express


Marcio has an aptitude for web design. His understanding of the clients’ need and the ability to reflect them in a visual representation makes him stand out. Combined with his SEO competence this makes for instant recommendation to anyone. It is also pleasure to work with him – nice sense of humor and attention to details.

Michael Gregory



Learn with the PROs


Learn more about our process
SEO Audit

This initial phase allows for the discovery of technical issues that needs attention on your website. Performance reports are created, and a list of priorities is released to be approved by clients.


This is by far the most critical step in laying a foundation to complete most of the work in your website. Keyword research, backlink discovery and a through competitor analysis are created with the sole purpose of gathering data for a solid strategy formulation.

strategy formulation

Consists of creating a data-oriented strategy to improve your rankings build organic traffic faster. A Content development schedule is created along with and a link building plan to ensure deadlines are being met ensuring the SEO process remains on time.

Website Optimization

At this point, professional web developers are working around the clock to optimize your website for speed, security and search engine visibility. New functions are implemented taking the user's experience to the next level.


This is where your previously created content plan and schedule goes into production. Once ready, it gets published on your website attracting natural backlinks while expanding your keyword diversity.


Is the phase that takes the longest but also is the phase that builds domain authority and trust so you can achieve the highest rankings on Google. Press-Releases goes out to reporters and a massive buzz is created around your brand.

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